Does Paolo Maldini visit an Iranian army patient?

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I have heard that he wanted to make an Iranian army's wish comes true. He passed almost 600 km from his city to that hospital.

یكي از جانبازان جنگ تحميلي، سالها پس از مجروح شدن به علت وضع وخيمش به ايتاليا اعزام و در يكي از بيمارستانهاي شهر رم بستري شده بود از قضا چند روزي بعد از بستري شدن اين جانباز جنگ تحميلي متوجه مي شود خانم پرستاري كه از او مراقبت مي كند نام خانوادگي اش مالديني است. اين جانباز ابتدا تصور مي كند تشابه اسمي است، اما در نهايت نمي تواند جلوي كنجكاوي اش را بگيرد و از خانم پرستار مي پرسد: آيا با پائولو مالديني ستاره شهر تيم آ.ث. ميلان نسبتي داري؟ و خانم پرستار در پاسخ مي گويد: پائولو برادر من است! جانباز ايراني در حالي كه بسيار خوشحال شده بود، از خانم پرستار خواهش مي كند كه اگر ممكن است عكسي به يادگار بياورد و خانم پرستار هم قول مي دهد تا برايش تهيه كند، اما جالب ترين بخش داستان صبح روز بعد اتفاق مي افتد. هنگامي كه جانباز هموطن ما از خواب بيدار مي شود، كنار تخت بيمارستان خود پائولو مالديني بزرگ را مي بيند كه با يك دسته گل به انتظار بيدار شدن او نشسته است و ... پائولو مالديني اسطوره ميلان از شهر ميلان واقع در شمال غربي ايتاليا، به شهر رم واقع در مركز كشور ايتاليا كه فاصله اي حدود ششصد كيلومتر دارد رفت، تا از يك جانباز جنگي ايراني كه خواستار عكس يادگاري اوست، عيادت كند

I don't know where to share this news which is not sports, but a sportsman inspired me to share

this story. 
In Iran we have many who were injured during the war, a good number still suffer the bits of
martar-sells and the chemical remnants in their lungs and their body as Saddam used chemical
bombs in the war. Every now and then we hear one one of them passing away. Its like every one
is used to this news, they live a low-profiled life, many of them counting the days so that the end
of the days would put an end to their sufferings. THey used to be used as a tool some times "
Here are the ones who sacrificed for the integrity of Iran, you don;t betray them by betraying the 
leaders, the government, the gegime.."  But then there are many of these chemicals " SHimiyayee
ha, That is how we called them" who reject being used this way, then you hear about them less
and less, they are less in the spotlights and it is usual to see an ad in a newspaper" One of them
just passed away in hospital or some where else". 
Recently one of these chemical cases was taken to Italy for treatment, he was hospitalized some
where in some hospital, where Paolo Maldini had to visit another patient and he, just accidentally
got to know about the situation of the mentioned chemical case, and he realised that this man has
not visitors, that he is seriously ill and he is all alone. Maldini is much known to Iranians, who love
soccer and European teams, you know, after the revolution soccer had been some thing to keep
the youth glued down to in front of tv sets. 
maldini picks his wife and kid(s) to visit the patient, who was so pleased to see the iconic football
legend of Italy. 
I don't know0w how else to thank this man. The chemical case might not be alive at the moment,
but the effect of that sportsman's action is so living, so enduring.

send by : sarah mohammadi from iran

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